Blender: Advanced Grease Pencil Tutorial
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The next chapter in my Blender series.
This one covers a creative workflow with Grease Pencil in 2.8 and Photoshop to create:
- Environments
- Characters
- Vehicles
Grease Pencil allows you to start off a simple flat sketch and then quickly convert it into a 3D drawing that will help you with perspective without actually spending a lot of time on tedious 3D modelling.
Topics covered:
- Grease Pencil Drawing Technique
- Creating a 3D character design from a 2D flat sketch
- Vehicle design using mirror modifier
- Environment design using instancing and randomizer
- Narrated video tutorials (1.5 hours)
- Timelapse making-of`s (2 hours)
- Photoshop files
- Blender files
Blender 2.8
Suitable for all levels.
About me
I`m a professional art-director/concept artist working in the film industry.
Recently, I`ve worked on such movies as Starwars, Jurassic World 2, Ready Player One and many others.